Minato is better a rat of map because it will easily leave from the enemy (hiraishin no jutsu) and as won't allow to escape to the enemy. Puts a lot of loss, but demands much mana. Wins the enemy for the account hiraishin no jusu or kunai Minato (subject).
Pluses of the hero:
1. One of the best heroes-rats, perhaps will be compared to it only Shikamaru. 2. Minato you will not kill on a line (well extremely difficult) and it is difficult to escape from it (the press + kunai) 3. On a line always has max hp (the teleport to a fountain is always open) 4. At presence minato's kunai at allies of Minato always will help them to finish the enemy or to rescue them 5. On a line it is good to leave from the technician (for example from kirin) Minuses of the hero:
1. It is weak enough in the game beginning (a little mp) 2. It is combined in management (the miss at a teleport can mean death) 3. Demands good reaction (for example when the enemy to approach to yours kunai in wood)
2. Spels
This spel is a basis of any Minato. It is necessary for loss and teleport drawing on map. To swing always as soon as possible as raises a loss, reduces cooldown, and mana point remains former. As from level hiraishin depends a damage from minato's kunai.
The press is necessary for creation minato's kunai and for use hiraishin on the concrete enemy. With growth of level of technics increases max the quantity of minato's kunai, decreases cooldown and mana (About creation minato's kunai look more low)
Not the bad spel. It is created for delay of the enemy, drawing not the big loss and investigation. I consider, it is better to swing after rasengan, the seal and hiraishin)
Technics for drawing of a good loss. In my opinion it is necessary to swing always. At use hiraishin puts +50 % a loss. What to put this + 50 % a loss it would be necessary: to set the seal to the enemy, to make rasengan and used hiraishin on the enemy. The opponent won't reject, and will hammer into the earth. As it is possible (if at you is minato's kunai) to make rasengan and to throw kunai in the enemy. The effect will be the same.
The strongest spel. Besides a question to rock or not. It is obligatory to rock on first lvl if against you I play such character at which is are ripe on increase states (sennin mode, imitation an animal), what stan them during their increase states. If against you such characters it is possible not to swing don't play.
3. Minato's kunai
Good thing for Minato. Thanks to it we are imperceptible, from us it is difficult to leave and we cause a strong loss. But as well as all subjects occupies one slot in bag How to make:
1. We do usual kunai (that is 2). It will be possible to use kunai with the press (when money will be) Further 2. We set their the seal (see in technics section) 3. We receive minato's kunai
How to use:
So at us is minato's kunai . It is necessary to put it on the base (near to shops, but not near to a fountain) and on a line (it is desirable more close to a line, but that the enemy couldn't break it). As kunia it is necessary to use for loss drawing. What to cause a loss simply we stick on кунай in stock and we aim on the enemy. Minato throws kunai, teleportation to the enemy and the loss causes. After use kunai on the earth (that is for a teleport) it disappears from stock, and after use for loss drawing, it remains.
If to throw out kunai as (that is not as means for hiraishin) it will be useless for a teleport and it everybody can pick up a subject.
As at present Minato can't throw kunai (except Minato, for red color), and lowers it between feet, but cause a loss it can only won't be shown flying kunai.
4. Prorolling of spels
1. hiraishin 2. seal 3. hiraishin 4. rasengan 5. hiraishin 6. rasengan 7. hiraishin 8. rasengan 9. hiraishin 10. rasengan 11. seal 12. rasengan 13. seal 14. seal 15. toad 16. toad 17. toad 18. toad 19. toad 20. seal 21.-24. God of death
Prorolling thanks to whom you will do much hiraishin and rasengan is good. As it is not forgotten about god on 5 lvl. (Why look in "spels' section)
5. Items
As Minato haven't enough mana that us the Staff of the mage is necessarily necessary. As he adds hp (and to us it is important) and adds possibility to put a damage(300 xp) and a stan (2 cek) to the opponent. The hero it is necessary for all hp, hence the time reservation is necessary to us. If on it ban the demon reservation suffices. As the wind arbalet is an obligatory thing of tricksters we collect also it. They as can finish the enemy if minato's kunai at you isn't present. What to prepare minato's kunais, to us are necessary usual kunai. Is better to take kunai with the press as it at use stan the enemy and causes a loss. The fifth slot on your bag. It is possible to take kunau yondaime or a blood sword. It on your discretion (I recommend a blood sword). The sixth slot always should occupy minto's kunai.
At result we have:
6. Minato's kunai. It always should occupy the sixth slot in bag.
6.Allies and enemies
Minato it is perfectly combined with any ally, be this Chodzhi or Itachi.
The basic enemies for us tanks and Shino but as to them it is possible to add Itachi, Neji, Sasuke, Kakshi as they will beat out to us much mana or at them strong spels
7. A tip
In the beginning at once gather on man. The loss at you will be thanking minato's kunai (don't forget him to hold always in bag), and on it it is necessary mana. But at it isn't present cooldown.
Hold at least on one kunai on one line, and as on base between shops. You can quickly move on map and at you always will be sickly near at hand.
Persuade your allies to take minato's kunai. You can rescue them and finish escaping enemies.
As soon as you have a staff of elders and kunai with the press do kunai and baff by them itself before duel (as use a blood sword, it will give speed and an additional loss). As a result on duel you shouldn't aim once again and you win the enemy.
If for your ally on a line the magician or the trickster ask to exchange with it lines. It will be easier to you to put kill (at them a little hp) and you can be fattened not badly.
If you play for red color throw kunai somewhere for a stone or for a log that the enemy couldn't break it. (For other colors minato simply leaves kunai underfoot)
Minato is very interesting, but the difficult hero in management. If you learn for it to play, you fall in love with it. Those who wants to play for Minato I advise to use this guide.
No good. If you don't know english, you should write guides on russian and don't waste time on trying to write an english guide.
Never, NEVER use online translators or other same programs to translate a guide. The resulting text isn't readable by real people at all. And anyway, an English player can take a russian guide at put it into a tranlator himself.